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Asahel Bush Elementary School

410 14th Street SE
Salem, OR 97301

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Main Office 


Office Hours
7:20 AM – 3:30 PM

Main Office Fax


Attendance Reporting Line

Bush Elementary front entrance

Asahel Bush Elementary School School Details

Bush is a kindergarten through fifth-grade school with an enrollment that averages around 320 students. Bilingual services are available. Our nickname is the Tigers.

The original Bush Elementary was built in 1936, with the new school built in 2005. Bush was named for Asahel Bush, an editor and publisher of the Statesman Journal newspaper during the latter part of the 19th century. Asahel Bush was instrumental in the founding of Bush’s Pasture Park.

Statesman Journal Article on Bush history

Tiger Waving Hi with a Bush Elementary Sign

School Colors

Maroon and Gray

School Mascot


Our Vision

All students graduate and are prepared for a successful life.